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Dynamic Website
A website, or individual web page, can be static or dynamic. A static website contains information that does not change. It remains the same, or static, for every viewer of the site. A dynamic website contains information that changes, depending on the viewer, the time of the day, the time zone, the viewer's native language, and other factors. For example, the Computer Hope main page is a dynamic website that automatically changes daily.

A dynamic website can contain client-side scripting or server-side scripting to generate the changing content, or a combination of both scripting types. These sites also include HTML programming for the basic structure. The client-side or server-side scripting takes care of the guts of the site.

With client-side HTML scripting, the page can use JavaScript or another scripting language to change the data of page as it is dynamically built.

With server-side scripting, scripts are run on the server that hosts the page. The process for how the page is built is determined by parameters defined in the server-side scripting.

dynamic website is a website that not only uses HTML and CSS, but includes website scripting as well. There are two main reasons why you’d want to use website scripting on your site:

you want an interactive web app that people can use, not just read. you want to be able to share HTML code between your pages.

This website is a dynamic website, for both of the above reasons. It’s not a full-blown web app like Facebook or Google, but it does have interactive elements like contact forms and search boxes. This website also shares the same HTML code for the header, menu and sidebar between all pages of the site.

If you want a dynamic site, you will need to learn a coding language such as JavaScript, PHP, Ruby on Rails or ASP.NET. Is Your Site Static or Dynamic?
A good analogy for comparing static vs. dynamic websites is whether the website could be printed out and still function properly.

If you have a purely informational website that’s designed to be read, then you could print each page out and with the exception of any hyperlinks you may have, it would still ‘work’. It’s a static website. But if your website is an interactive one that people can use and not just read, it’s a dynamic website.

In fact, there are actually two different types of interactivity on a dynamic site – front-end scripts and back-end scripts. Front-end and back-end are sometimes also called client side and server side, and that’s what the next page is about.