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UX Sketching If you’ve done any sort of serious creative work, you are all too familiar with creative block. It feels like hitting a brick wall: None of the ideas you’re able to visualize are good enough, or can’t work in real life.

For designers, the feeling is all too familiar. However, like any complicated problem with no clear solution, a smart process can make all the differences. This is where UX sketching comes in.

UX sketching is a crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of user-experience design. Sketching is a very efficient way of communicating design while allowing designers to try out a multitude of ideas and iterate them before settling on one.

In this post, I intend to cover everything you need to know about UX sketching, including the following points:

Introduction to UX sketches and wireframes
UX sketching basics, tools and techniques
Clarifying sketches with notes, annotations, numbers
UX sketching tips and tricks
Mini-methods designed to boost quality and productivity
All you need to know about Wireflows
A quick guide to UX flow sketching

UX Sketching is a Two-step Process.
Many options must be considered in design, which results in the choice and the execution of the best one. Designers consider their options, and then proceed to work out the details, thus making UX design a two-step process:

1- Idea Generation In the initial step, multiple ideas are generated, but since they cannot be fully shaped, it is not uncommon for some of the elements to be incomplete or missing. The main thing is to consider different approaches and to decide which is the most efficient in the context of your task and the various constraints of the project.

2- Adding Detail and Refinement Step by step, you settle on a few promising variants and proceed to work out the specifics, thus rendering some ideas unsuitable.

UX Sketches and Wireframes: Introduction and Classification
Your wireframes may differ depending on factors such as the desired level of detail, colors and style, whether you are going to show them to someone, and so on.

Good sketches will help you think clearer, find better solutions and save time.